3-D Pearly Pink Seashell Bouquet
This delicate, feminine arrangement consists of fairy tellin shells, each carefully selected and arranged alongside freshwater pearls and mustard seeds to create a symphony of natural elegance. The barn wood style frame seamlessly blends coastal allure with rustic charm. Laying against a black background, this piece measures
This delicate, feminine arrangement consists of fairy tellin shells, each carefully selected and arranged alongside freshwater pearls and mustard seeds to create a symphony of natural elegance. The barn wood style frame seamlessly blends coastal allure with rustic charm. Laying against a black background, this piece measures
This delicate, feminine arrangement consists of fairy tellin shells, each carefully selected and arranged alongside freshwater pearls and mustard seeds to create a symphony of natural elegance. The barn wood style frame seamlessly blends coastal allure with rustic charm. Laying against a black background, this piece measures